About Us

“What is today called “Thai massage” or “Thai yoga massage” is an ancient healing system combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures. The founding father of Thai massage was an Ayurvedic doctor named Jivaka Kumar Bhacca, who is revered still in Thailand as the “father of medicine”. Born in India during the time of the Buddha, he is noted in ancient documents for his extraordinary medical skills, his knowledge of herbal medicine, and for having treated important people… aswfafawfqwfr

Massage can be a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and well-being. See if it’s right for you.

Massage is no longer available only through luxury spas and upscale health clubs. Today, massage therapy is offered in businesses, clinics, hospitals and even airports. If you’ve never tried massage, learn about its possible health benefits and what to expect during a massage therapy session…


Drawings of accupressure points on sen lines at Wat Pho Temple, Phra Nakhon district, Bangkok.

The founder of Thai massage and medicine is said to have been Shivago Komarpaj (ชีวกโกมารภัจจ์ Jīvaka Komarabhācca), who is said in the Pāli Buddhist canon to have been the Buddha’s physician over 2,500 years ago. In fact, the history of Thai massage is more complex than this legend of a single founder would suggest. Thai massage, like Thai traditional medicine (TTM) more generally, is a combination of influences from Indian, Chinese, Southeast Asian cultural spheres and traditions of medicine, and the art as it is practiced today is likely to be the product of a 19th-century synthesis of various healing traditions from all over the kingdom.[5] Even today, there is considerable variation from region to region across Thailand, and no single routine or theoretical framework that is universally accepted among healers.


What to Expect

First and foremost, we at Proud Thai Massage hope that each client will feel welcome and valued. A massage should be a time of rejuvenation and result in a greater sense of well-being. Thai massage is a rather rigorous process with a good deal of stretching which requires the active participation of both client and therapist; there is a constant sense of rhythmic motion. One of the hallmarks of Thai massage is the therapist “walking” on the back of the client. Bars across the top of the room allow for the therapist to balance and gauge the pressure applied.